Meetings at the Airport Academy

Modern conference rooms

The AirportAcademy at its new LabCampus location offers you a first-class environment for the professional organization of your conference or workshop. Our modern facilities and comprehensive services guarantee optimum support for your events. Our 28 conference rooms offer flexible room sizes from 24 sqm to 161 sqm and are equipped with the latest media technology to meet the highest standards. Competent contact persons, excellent and varied catering and a shuttle service to the airport round off our offer.

View from the entrance area of the AirportAcademy in LAB 52 with the large staircase to sit down.

Your contact

Franziska  Hrycak

Flughafen München GmbH
  • Street LabCampus 52
  • Zip code / City 85356 München-Flughafen