Strategy 2030

Planning the future today

The Munich Airport Group (FMG) continues to pursue responsible, sustainable value creation. The Group Strategy 2030 includes economic, ecological, and social targets to meet the needs of all the Group’s stakeholder groups.

As the operator of a premium hub, FMG manages its business efficiently and aims to become a role model for sustainable air traffic throughout the industry. In partnership, a modern company with sustainable connections is created that acts as an innovative competitor and trustworthy brand close to its stakeholders.

Efficient and needs-based action – always with a view to the impact on the Group as a whole – leads the company to long-term, value-driven growth rather than short-term, selective gains.

Being the operator of a premium hub, we deliver high quality, are economically successful, and fulfill the exemplary role as a green mobility hub with social responsibility. That is our aspiration for 2030.

Jost Lammers

CEO and Personnel Industrial Relations Director

Concrete action for sustainable value creation

The Munich Airport Group takes forward-looking measures, cross-divisional initiatives and central projects that make a significant contribution to focusing and prioritizing the implementation of the new Group strategy.

Find out here how FMG will achieve CO2 neutrality by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest:

Our climate protection strategy

The air traffic of the future must become more sustainable. As an airport operator, we are committed to decarbonizing air traffic. The adversary is not aviation, but carbon emission.

Nathalie Leroy

Chief Financial and Infrastructure Officer

Digitization as an overarching guideline

The strategic goals of the Strategy Vision 2030 were applied to the airport group’s business areas. These business units are also subject to overarching guidelines such as digitization of business processes in order to continuously optimize the customer experience at Munich Airport.

Learn more about the concrete implementation of the guidelines in the business areas:

Integrated Report 2022

We want to become a leader among European airports in digital innovations and successfully bring our customers to their destinations.

Jan-Henrik Andersson

Chief Commercial and Security Officer


Munich Airport 2023: 99 airlines, 219 destinations in 64 countries

FMG's goal is to achieve lasting stability in its position as one of the leading hubs in the European aviation market. Long-haul and transfer traffic will therefore be an essential cornerstone of the aviation strategy in the medium to long term.

Commercial Activities

Shopping in the satellite terminal

FMG aims to operate an attractive and sustainable site. For this reason, sustainability criteria are to be integrated more strongly into the selection of future tenants by the end of 2023. Space efficiency and the portfolio of offerings will also be continuously optimized.

Looking ahead: The strategically most important construction projects at the airport campus will continue. Sustainable construction concepts and the subsequent operation of the buildings are designed to have as little impact as possible on the environment in terms of pollutants or resource and energy consumption.

Participations, Services & External Business

With the involvement of the Group’s subsidiary Munich Airport International GmbH (MAI), Munich Airport has evolved from a consultant for airport relocations and start-ups into an airport manager with international operations. FMG's aim is not only to expand the consulting and management segment, but also to strengthen MAI’s global presence.