Stakeholder dialog

Dialog with stakeholder groups

Munich Airport and its subsidiaries engage in a close and frequent dialog with their key stakeholder groups.

Dialog in a spirit of partnership

An exchange of views in a spirit of fairness and trust takes place with airlines, business partners, passengers and airport employees. The latter are consulted in regular staff surveys, for example. In addition, the close cooperation with neighbors and partners in the surrounding region is vitally important to the successful development of the Flughafen München GmbH (FMG). The liaison between the airport and the region is the FMG Regional Affairs Office, which maintains intensive contact with the municipalities, political decision makers and local residents.

Future-ready solutions and sustainable development are possible only with an ongoing dialog with all groups in society. For that reason, we communicate continuously with our stakeholders – whether inside the company or at the local, regional, national or international levels. The comprehensive analysis of our stakeholder groups has taken place through systematized interviews with the in-house contacts for the dialog group in question.


The airlines operating in Germany have come together to form the Board of Airline Representatives in Germany (BARIG).

Dialog type and mediumFrequency
Airport Operation Committee (AOC): Meeting of the operations-side representatives of airports and airlines; discussion of current problems and development of joint solutions to optimize cooperationOnce a month
User Committee: Committee made up of representatives of airlines, airports, public authorities and handling companies; consultation on legal and business aspects of airport operations
Two meetings per year
Coordination committee: Meeting of representatives of the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Munich Airport, German Air Traffic Control, the airport coordinator, the airlines and their associations (specification of parameters for take-offs and landings, with the involvement of state-level authorities)
Once a year
Trade fairs: Participation in various regional and international trade fairs in Germany and abroadAs needed
IATA flight schedule conference: Dialog platform with selected airline customersTwice a year

Routes conferences for global routes as well as regional routes (Routes Asia, Routes America, Routes Africa, Routes Europe): Dialog platform with selected airline customers Once a year

Once a year
Personal customer contacts with airline representatives on the basis of individual meetings at the airport or the branch offices. As needed
Munich Airport roadshow in the catchment area. Communication with airlines and travel industry (RV & RB), cargo airlines and freight forwarders in personal contact and through information materialOnce a year
Various airline events in the catchment area for travel agencies and tour operators6-10 times per year
Workshops and in-house training abroad. Communication with the international travel industry and airlines in the target marketAs needed
B2B communication (network planners LVG, travel industry, corporates), B2C newsletterTwo to four times per year, monthly

Suppliers and business partners

Dialog type and mediumFrequency
Information events for manufacturers and suppliers, tenants and service providersAs needed
Membership in the retail association "German Council of Shopping Centers" (GCSC)Twice a year
Supplier meetings and auditsAt regular intervals
Online portal for business partnersOngoing
Whistleblower system / ComplianceOngoing
Member of the Münchner Gespräche, a network of marketing representatives of German companiesThree times a year
Member of City Partner e.V. Advertising cooperative of downtown retailers in MunichTwice a year
Personal contacts with representatives of other airports on the basis of individual meetings at Munich AirportAs needed
BFL Exchange with the stakeholders Federal Police and Lufthansa organized through FMGOnce a year
Personal contacts with representatives of the sister airports of Munich Airport on the basis of individual meetings at the airportAs needed


The mission of Corporate Communications is to foster understanding and acceptance of the operations, activities and ongoing development of Munich Airport among relevant stakeholders. The Communications department promotes the company among potential applicants as an attractive employer, among passengers and visitors as an attractive location offering a broad portfolio of products and services and efficient processes and among the public in the surrounding region as a sustainable and responsible company.

The social media team positioned within Corporate Communications works on a cross-departmental basis with other areas of the company and provides the community on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Co. with relevant information, images and videos.

Dialog type and mediumFrequency
Press conferences and press discussionsRegularly and as needed
Press releases and press photosRegularly and as needed
Interviews and background discussionsAs needed
Press department as competent point of contact for mediaOngoing
PublicationsRegularly and as needed
Newsroom on websiteOngoing
Social mediaOngoing

Government and public authorities

Munich Airport (FMG) maintains close, reciprocal working relationships with political and administrative institutions, not least because the airport's shareholders are public bodies. The exchange between Munich Airport (FMG) and the institutions takes place at various political levels in various formats.

Dialog type and mediumFrequency
Expert discussions and panelsAt regular intervals
Membership in specialized networks (e.g. Bavarian Environmental Pact)At regular intervals
Organizing and hosting parliamentary evenings in Brussels, Berlin and MunichAs needed
Publication of policy briefs (issues, background, position statements; target readership: policymakers)Twice a year
Consultation: Committee made up of representatives of airlines, public authorities, associations and airports for presentation of and consultation on adjustments to the regulated airport fees pursuant to Section 19b of the Aviation Act (LuftVG) and to security fees.Once a year


Through a diversified media mix and the hosting of events, an intensive dialog is conducted with the employees of the FMG Group.

Dialog type and mediumFrequency
Daily updates in the FMG intranet "Homebase"Ongoing
Direct discussions with employee representativesAt regular intervals
Working groups and committees of employee representativesAt regular intervals
Staff assembliesFour times a year
Addressing follow-up questions, problems, queries and complaintsOngoing
Information events of the management boardAs needed
"InnovationPilot" ideas platformOngoing
"Mitg'redt Forums" ("My Two Cents' Worth"): Cross-division, cross-hierarchy events for personal exchange of views between employees and managers At regular intervals
Performance review (meetings between the manager and employee for planning employee development and performance assessment) Annually
Newsletter B2CMonthly
Inhouse Consulting Network – exchange of views and benchmarkingIn turns (two times per year)

Passengers and visitors

A central dialog management function ensures that all suggestions and/or complaints from passengers and visitors are noted and processed, and that appropriate action is taken if required.

Dialog type and mediumFrequency
Passenger satisfaction surveys ("PEI" / "ASQ")Ongoing
Dialog management using online feedback formOngoing
Brochures and flyersRegularly and as needed
Passenger service via the call center, information desks, terminal services, InfoGate counters, service center etc.Ongoing
Information Center at the Visitors ParkOngoing
Online portal for passengers and visitorsOngoing
"Passengr" app for passengersOngoing
Tours of the airport campusRegularly

Associations and organizations 

The framework conditions for air traffic are decisively shaped by politics and administration at both the federal and European levels. The majority of key requirements are based on decisions made by the European Union.

Dialog type and mediumFrequency
Hosting information visits and guided tours for visiting expertsAs needed
Expert presentations at conferences and symposiumsAt regular intervals
Active participation in committees and working groups in professional associations such as the German Airports Association (ADV), Airports Council International (ACI) etc.At regular intervals
Active participation in committees of professional associations for integrated reporting such as the German Round Table IIRC, Global Reporting Initiative GRI etc.At regular intervals
Active participation in committees of professional associations for sustainability/environmental protection such as the Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy (aireg), Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA), BDL and ADV.At regular intervals
Membership in industry-related networks (e.g. Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact)At regular intervals
Active member of Blühpakt BayernEvery three years
Information meetings and tours with association representatives, representatives of political parties, churches and other segments of societyAs needed
Cooperation in the context of general meetings, sessions, conferences, working group meetings, workshops and information talks with the Committee for the Prevention of Bird Strikes in Air Transport (DAVVL). The DAVVL maintains the national bird strike statistics on behalf of the federal government and is the contact person for all those involved in air transport as well as all authorities, municipalities and other planning bodies on issues relating to bird strike prevention.One to four times per month
Exchange with the Federal Association of the German Aviation Industry (BDL), Task Force Border ControlOne to two times per month

BARIG Infrastructure Committee MUC: Regular meeting of representatives of airlines organized in the "Board of Airline Representatives in Germany" (BARIG), where projects and measures related to infrastructure or new technologies and the associated impacts on processes and capacities are presented.

Once a year
Ensuring compliance with EASA regulations to retain airport operation permitOngoing
VDR regional conferences (German Travel Management Association) with travel managers from large corporations / SMEsTwice a year

Political advocacy

The Political Affairs unit represents the interests of Munich Airport in dealings with the European Union, the German federal government and parliament, the Bavarian state government and the state parliament and the Munich city council. The staff of this unit ensure a reliable exchange of information with the various levels of government and raise awareness for the concerns and priorities of Munich Airport. Along with ongoing networking activities, regular events are held in Brussels, Berlin and Munich. In addition, FMG publishes a policy brief two to three times per year, covering current political issues and background information relevant to the airport.

Cooperation with associations

Through close cooperation with industry associations, especially the German Airports Association (ADV), the German Aviation Industry Association (BDL), and Airports Council International (ACI Europe), FMG has access to up-to-date information relevant to the aviation sector and contributes to coordinated lobbying and representation of the industry's interests. In addition, the Political Affairs unit ensures central coordination of subsidy-related issues through systematic research and consultation with the relevant FMG divisions and subsidiaries.

Munich Airport does not make financial contributions of any kind to politicians, political parties or related institutions.


There is no substitute for a personal conversation when it comes to keeping up to date with the key concerns of neighbors and knowing what problems the airport residents are facing.

Inside Airport

The "Inside Airport" event was held for the first time in 2019. Regular events are currently planned. Topics and projects will be presented that are particularly innovative and whose fields of application in the airport region could represent added value for the municipalities.

Dialog type and mediumFrequency
Personal discussions with municipal, political and official representatives of the airport regionOngoing
Cooperation with the region in the area of ​​business, including Aktive City Freising, Dachau Agil, ICU e. V., Munich Airport Business Park, NiederbayernForumOngoing

Cooperations with the region in the field of tourism, including Tourismusregion Erding e.V., Hopfenland Hallertau Tourismus e.V.


As part of the sponsorship, representatives of the regional office take part in the events of the sponsoring partners in the region (CSR sponsorship in the areas of sport, education, social affairs, culture and nature)


Discussions with companies and stakeholders from the regional economy (e.g. district craft association, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, trade associations), including on current airport issues and contract awards in the region

As needed
Dialog type and mediumFrequency
Exchange with municipal bodies (municipal council, city council, district council) as part of information visits to the airportAs needed
Dialogue with citizens' initiatives, associations and other social groupsAs needed
Neighborhood Advisory Board: regional dialogue platform that brings together the interests of the airport region and looks for solutions together. Current priorities are improving the transport infrastructure in the airport region, developing a joint mobility strategy for the airport region and developing a regional IBA project. Active participation of the FMG in the plenary sessionOngoing

Airport Forum: Information and communication platform for issues relating to regional economic and transport development in the region and at the airport.

As needed
Aircraft Noise Commission: Exchange between local politicians of the affected region, DFS and authoritiesTwice a year
Telephone hotline for noise complaints and enquiriesOngoing
Emission impact reports (current environmental information on aircraft noise, airborne contaminants, etc.)Monthly
Inside Airport: The event "Inside Airport" took place for the first time in 2019 and will be staged on a regular basis in the future. Topics and projects that may be of interest to the municipalities in the airport region are presented.planned once per half year
Neighborhood meeting: Invitation of mayors, district administrators and cooperation partners from the care area in the spirit of appreciation and networkingOnce a year

Science and research 

The Advisory Council on Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE) advises the EU Commission and EU member states on research and innovations in the aviation sector with the objective of implementing the common vision set out in the document 'Flightpath 2050'.

Members include all key stakeholders in aviation in Europe such as aircraft manufacturers, system providers, airlines, airports, air traffic control authorities, research institutes and universities as well as the member states and the EU Commission. 

Dialog type and mediumFrequency
Membership in the European research council ACARE and attendance at meetings Pausing
Joint projects with Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V. on the topic of mobility and the future of aviation
As needed
Exchange of ideas with relevant research chairs at TUM (Technical University of Munich) Regularly
Exchange of ideas with Landshut University of Applied Sciences in the respective departmentsRegularly

Further information