Munich Airport and its subsidiaries engage in a close and frequent dialog with their key stakeholder groups.
Dialog in a spirit of partnership
An exchange of views in a spirit of fairness and trust takes place with airlines, business partners, passengers and airport employees. The latter are consulted in regular staff surveys, for example. In addition, the close cooperation with neighbors and partners in the surrounding region is vitally important to the successful development of the Flughafen München GmbH (FMG). The liaison between the airport and the region is the FMG Regional Affairs Office, which maintains intensive contact with the municipalities, political decision makers and local residents.
Future-ready solutions and sustainable development are possible only with an ongoing dialog with all groups in society. For that reason, we communicate continuously with our stakeholders – whether inside the company or at the local, regional, national or international levels. The comprehensive analysis of our stakeholder groups has taken place through systematized interviews with the in-house contacts for the dialog group in question.